Friday, October 7, 2011

Email Reminder / Work Update

This e-mail was sent on Sunday 2nd October:

Mr Turner's guide training interupted our lesson on Friday. However, the deadline for AO1 remains the end of this term, which means that we are now behind.

As a result, I would like you to do the following before the next lesson:

  1. Add to your AO1 assesment of information sources, 'photographs'. It may help you to discuss in small groups (as we would do in class) and then write your short introduction, strengths, weaknesses and overall evaluation. I would like you to insert at least 2 of the photo's you saved to 'my documents' and explain what conclusions you can make from looking at the photo, and what information it doesn't tell you.                                 
  2. Add to your AO1 assesment of information sources, 'paintings and drawings' as one single source. It may help you to discuss in small groups (as we would do in class) and then write your short introduction, strengths, weaknesses and overall evaluation. This will be similar to the photographs section, but maybe even less reliable / accurate. Try to find some example drawings/paintings from conflict to use as examples.

In summary, by Wednesday 12th October, you should have on your Blog:

  1. AO1 Assessment of Information Sources - Films, Personal accounts, Documentaries, Photographs, Paintings and Drawings.
  2. Personal accounts - thoughts on 9/11 personal accounts
  3. 4 photographs saved into 'My Pictures'
  4. 4 Drawings or paintings saved into 'My Pictures'
If you need any help, contact me as soon as possible.

Mr S