Tuesday, April 24, 2012

AO5 - Set task 25/4/12

Go to the AO5 page to read about what the requirements are for AO5. Click on this link to go straight there...

Your first step is to create a list of questions to include in your survey. Some points to ponder...

  • You may choose to focus on armed forces (e.g. Army, Navy, RAF) or domestic (Fire, Ambulance, Police) or both.
  • Include a range of question types - open, closed, multiple choice, rank order, likert scale etc
  • use follow up / 2 part questions
    • e.g. for the question 'which of these public services do you feel are the most important .... ' 
    • The follow up could be either 'give reasons why you think this?' (open question) OR give them a list of reasons to choose from.
  • The purpose of the survey is to find out what the electorate (voting public) feel about the public services. Issues could surround pay, cut backs, 
  • Create at least 10 questions. 
  • Provide the format for each answer. (see example below)
The questions should be posted on your blog by the end of Friday 27th April. Use the post title 'AO5 sample questions'. Use the label AO5.

e.g. question

The Fire Service is an essential part of the public services and should therefore be protected from cuts in funding.

1- totally agree
2- agree 
3- neither agree or disagree
4- disagree
5- totally disagree