Thursday, January 12, 2012

Informed Consent Statement

Write a statement that you will use when you design your questionnaire / survey, which outlines your intentions regarding the use of the information you collect.

Monday, January 9, 2012

AO3 Preparation 9/01/12

We are starting a new AO in Term 3 - Explain ethical issues in research.

In preparation for the first lesson, I would like you to consider what privacy is. It can be defined as...

the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs: the right to privacy.
I would like you to:
  1. Find in the news an occasion where someones privacy has been intruded.
  2. Copy and paste a link to the story.
  3. Write a comment about what impact it may have had on the person involved.
Then come ready to discuss this statement for a starter...

Celebrities waiver the right to a private life if they sell private occasions (wedding etc) to newspapers or magazines.

See you on Wednesday.

Mr S