Thursday, May 10, 2012

Create a Survey

  1. Goto
  2. Sign in with your google account.
  3. Click on Create a survey
  4. Title - AO5 Public Services Opionion Survey
  5. Type - Market Research
  6. Add Question
  7. Write in question
  8. Choose type of answer
  9. Write possible responses
  10. Add "other" or a coment field if you want to offer a seperate choice or ask to clarify/explain their answer.
  11. Save and close to check format
  12. Create another question.
  13. 10 questions maximum. - If you have more than 10 questions, see if you can add a question in the comment field.

Creating Survey Questions

Think of at least 10 questions to ask your sample frame.

Us e a range of question types.

Consider the order of the questions (structure).

Remember what you are trying to find out.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time line

Wed 9th - Compile questions for Survey
Thur 10th - Create a survey monkey survey
Fri 11th - Send out survey and blog journey, explaining the question strucutre and who you are asking.

Wed 23rd - Interpret the results
Thurs 24th - Prioduce graphs and graphics
Fri 25th - Prepare presentations

Half Term

Wed 13th June - Presentations x 3
Thurs 14th June - Presentations x 3
Fri 15th June - Presentations x 3

Monday 25th June deadline for all courses and units.

Wed 27th - tidy up
Thurs 28th -tidy up
Fri 29th - tidy up

Tuesday 3rd July - Moderator passes work. Course Finished!